Zoo Landau


City: Landau

Country: Germany

State: Rhineland-Palentine


Opend 1904


Species 108

This small zoo shows rarety's like the cheetah from Sudan and the visaya deer. Of course you also meet regular animals like the zebra and chimpanzees. It also has a small vivarium

Vis stort kort
Last visit 2012

Zoo Landau
Hindenburgstraße 12
D 76829 Landau in der Pfalz


Phone nr 06341-137010

Open 10am-5pm



Entrance fee

  • Adult 10,50 Euro
  • Child 8,- Euro
  • Small groupe A* 14,50 Euro
  • Small groupe B** 25,- Euro
*Small groupe A cards are valid for 1 adult and up to 2 children
**Small groupe B cards are valid for 2 adults and up to 4 children

Annual card

  • Adult 37,- Euro 
  • Child 27,- Euro

Kids will love to pet the animals at the petting zoo


On 07.24.1904, the association "bird friend" took over the zoo grounds of today along the historic French fort area. The club built the first bird house and built small animal enclosures. This date therefore represents the date of the founding of Zoo Landau. Since 1920, the facility is owned by the city. In the years up to the Second World War it became increasingly important as a leisure facility by area expansion, the construction of additional enclosures and the redesign of the gardens. After the almost complete destruction at the end of the war soon began to develop new and reconstruction to the first institution of its kind in Rhineland-Palatinate.
Map 2012 Map 2014 Map 2020
After paying the entrance fee we turn right to see the Amur tiger, theire neighbours are the bell deer and across we find the Arabian camel. Heading back to the entrance and turning right we see the mara and the Visayan spotted deer. Turning left at the bees we soon see the the white stork and the lynx. Then turning right we se the ankole-watussi sharing theire enclosure with red river hogs. On the right hand we have the walk-in wallaby enclosure, here you also find the emu. Turning right and following the savannah with Hartmann's zebra and the blue wildebeest, we have the brird house in front of us with a large free flight area you can walk inside.  Outside again and following the house and going on the other side of the river the first animal we meet is the fennec fox. following the path we then see the Central African Cheetah and the kids will love the petting zoo. On the left hand we then have the South American fur seal and Humboldt penguins. Then following the path on the right hand passinf the meadow of the crowned cranes, then on the other side of the bridge  to the vivarium. This is the home for the zoos chimpanzees, lar gibbons and sooty managabeys. Inside the house we have tamarins, reptiles and fish. On our way arround the house we meet porcupines, tortoises, different birds as the flamingos and banded mongoose. Heading for the exit we at last see ring-tailed lemurs, macaws and  an aviary for South American birds like the roseate spoonbill.

DE: Dieser kleine Zoo zeigt seltenheiten wie den Sudan Geparden und den Prinz Alfred Hirsch. Er hat auch ein kleines Vivarium, wo u.a. die Schimpansen leben

DK: Denne lille have viser sjældenheder som den Centralafrikanske gepard og prins alfred hjorten. Haven har ligeledes et lille vivarie hvor bl.a. chimpanserne bor
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